O Jeremy! O Jeremy!
An Ode from a Father Who Desperately Loves his Son
[Jeremy David Rankin, 1985-2020]
O Absalom! O Absalom! cries King David
For a son he dearly loved but failed to rescue
O Danny Boy! O Danny Boy!
The last and beloved son whom the father could not also bear to lose
O Jeremy! O Jeremy! How I love and miss you!
Were it only I who had to depart this mortal life early, and not you
Yet now you know the love of Jesus face to face.
And far better since your sufferings are over forever.
How I pine to join you when my race is done.
O Jeremy! O Jeremy! How I love you!
O Jeremy, why you did have to die so young?
The Psalmist in me cries out
Too, the One enthroned in the heavens
Is the One whose ways are far above the sod we trod
He is the One who walked and walks in our tear-strewn paths
And who raises us up on the Last Day
O Jeremy, you the kindest and a most private soul
O Jeremy, I who lived my life on the ragged sleeve
I who was stressed out in a surrealism across decades
Working against hurdle after hurdle
And all you craved was peace and stability
Yet the powers of hell conspired to rob you
You told me that I once saved your very life
But I did not really understand it until most recently
We each had many blind spots
Where we often missed each other even in the deepest love
Why, O why dear God, could I have not seen more clearly
And helped prevent the needless sufferings?
Yes, each in our own follies need God’s purging graces
But O Jeremy, why did you need to graduate so early?
No! No! No! I cry out
Surely, surely I could have been wiser, more prayerful, more …
How I longed to see the fulfillment of all your God-given dreams
How I wanted to simply enjoy your company for my remaining years
Yet, how many of the innocents across the millennia
Have been utterly ripped off by the ancient serpent?
I live in a privileged time and place
But what folly to think I might escape the distress of all men
I fought with every fiber to save your life but fell short
Indeed, we need the Savior for we cannot ultimately save ourselves
Whether our years are nine or ninety, we are mortal
And I know that my Redeemer lives, and all our dreams are fulfilled in him
Your best friend gave you his last words: “You are a great man”
Simply because you were a true friend, always putting others first
And, as the weight of the ages attest, suffering produces either humility or bitterness
And as you suffered, you only grew in gentleness and humility and worship
True greatness!
Therefore, your crown of righteousness is now fitted
How desperately I have clung to your mortal life
You, my beautiful, my beautiful son
Finally, I had to let you run along into the freedom of our Father’s glory
And as I looked several times into your eyes in desperate love
Saying spontaneously the last time, “You have such beautiful eyes”
And O, your most beautiful smile emerging against the emaciated frame
Many waters cannot quench love
And O how I am drowning in grief
Yet without the love of Jesus and friends
I would be overwhelmed and perish in a moment
An unchosen road I now trod, meeting fellow travelers along the way
O Jeremy! O Jeremy! May I honor you as I do, with every breath I take
For the rest of my years, whether it be a few or many
I will walk gently and carry a deep hole in my heart
Until yes, one day I will gladly put aside my earthly tent
And embrace you so tightly in the joy of the resurrection morn
Then the real introductions begin among the communion of the saints
With all tears, death, mourning, crying and pain forever abolished
Until then my beloved son
O Jeremy! O Jeremy! How I love and miss you!
[by John Clifford Rankin]