Emancipation Party (.us) Schedule of Events
- [Postponed while my son is in the hospital …]: At the Apple Barn, 60 Old Farms Road, West Simsbury; Signing of petition signatures to cover reservation of party name in all districts for the Secretary of State: email john@emancipationparty.us if interested.]
Emancipation Party events, beginning in January, 2020, will include the following categories. In all of them, those who have any questions, including those of deepest opposition, will be give an honest listen with the goal of satisfactory dialogue in all directions.
- Public information breakfast meetings at restaurants.
- Breakfast meetings for pastors at restaurants.
- Multi-Partisan Forums at churches and all other interested venues.
- Candidate Schools in churches and all other interested venues.
- Rolling venues statewide for a full multi-partisan review of the entire 36-page proposal to rewrite the CT Constitution and General Laws.
The schedule will be continually posted as it begins and updates …