Proposed Resolution #6 for the U.S. Congress and the Legislatures of the Several States:

Drugs and Crime

In order to address the relationship between drugs and crime, and to seek a restoration of civil order in this regard, we acknowledge the following truths as a general, representative, and overwhelming pattern:

  1. It is the absence of responsible fathers which does the greatest evil to growing boys and girls, and this evil has disproportionate affect on the ghettos and its minority populations, especially among black Americans. A responsible father is a man who is committed to fidelity in marriage with one woman, and does everything in his power to love and honor his wife. He is thus a model for his children, so that they may also attain healthy marriages. And even when a marriage breaks down or was never in place, a responsible father still does everything in his power to love, provide for and be a model for his children.
  2. With such a breakdown in the historic family unit, many boys become functionally fatherless, and without a father to socialize them properly, they seek ersatz “families,” which those outside the ghettos call “gangs”.
  3. Coupled with high unemployment in the ghettos, fatherless boys have idle time and limited possibilities to earn money. Idleness leads to the pursuit of pleasure in wrong and escapist ways such as sexual promiscuity and getting high on alcohol and drugs. A cycle of despair is created which feeds on itself. And fatherless girls become the sexual adjuncts to promiscuous and abusive boys.
  4. Drug dependency is the result for many, and the market for illegal drugs produces an underground economy where gangs stake out various “turfs” they control in the selling of drugs. To protect their turfs, they obtain guns (usually illegally), and when turf wars occur, shootings, maimings, and deaths result. In order for drug addicts to gain the money to purchase illegal drugs, prostitution and stealing multiplies, the crime cycle grows and reaches into the suburbs as well. But those in the suburbs have greater resources to avoid many consequences which the poor cannot.
  5. Because specific drugs are illegal or state-controlled, an international black market flourishes, driving up the price for such drugs, and in the process crime multiplies further in order to sustain and protect this black market.
  6. Because of these root causes and the interfacing and co-dependent cycles, about one-half of the U.S. prison population is incarcerated on drug charges or related crimes. Not only does this cost taxpayers greatly in terms of law enforcement, but the social and spiritual costs are very high as so many U.S. citizens are rendered unproductive, and unable to contribute to the common good.
  7. Thus, it is the poor and certain minorities who suffer disproportionately in this cycle, and justice cries out for a remedy to this escalating evil.

Accordingly, we affirm the following starting points in public policy, necessary to begin redressing the problem of drugs and crime

  1. The support of the historic family unit, rooted in heterosexual faithful monogamous marriage and the raising of children, is the best deterrent to drug abuse and crime, and the best place for the healing of the drug and crime wounded.
  2. As determined by due process of law, specific drugs may be defined as illegal, but with the maximum penalty being a misdemeanor.
  3. All persons who use illegal drugs shall accept accountability for the consequences of their choices, and they shall in no way deprive others of life, liberty or property.
