Women and Their Unborn
- Women and Their Unborn: Two Overwhelming Realities (click here).
- Ellie, Sweet Ellie (click here).
- informedchoice.us (click here).
- The Sacred Assemblies for the Unborn [SAU] (click here).
- The Jeremiah 19 Liturgy (click here).
- SAU Schedule (click here).
- God, Life, Choice, Sex (click here).
- “Respectable” Prophets in the Public Square: The Naked Isaiah and the Yoked Jeremiah (click here).
- Two Important Biblical Texts on Human Abortion (click here).
- What About Rape and Incest? Four Stories (click here).
- Biblical Thinking About the Evil of Rape and Incest (click here).
- TEI Forum: The “Woman-Rights” Spokesperson Did Not Dispute the Issue of Rape and Incest (click here).
- The Original Sacred Assemblies for the Unborn (SAU), 1989-1991 (click here).
- Other Stories from the Original Sacred Assemblies for the Unborn (SAU), 1989-1991 (click here).
- The Metaethics of Language: “You Have the Power to Choose Life” (click here).
- The Media’s Fear of Pro-Life: The Boston Globe and WGBH Public Television (click here).
- Theological Critique of Human Abortion (click here).
- Reformation of Abortion Law and the Nature of Roe v. Wade (click here).
- The Pretension of Ignorance is the Basis for Pro-Abortion Politics (click here).
- Legal Personhood and a Theological Critique of Roe v. Wade (click here).
- Operation Rescue, Civil Disobedience and Civil Obedience (click here).
- The Theology of Genesis 1-3 Addresses Human Abortion and All Issues (click here).
- The Witness of the Early Church (click here).
- Would Planned Parenthood Counsel Mary to Abort Jesus? (click here).
- College Baptism into the Abortion Debate (click here).
- NECAC First Debate: Gordon College: “Can You Imagine Jesus Performing an Abortion? And: What About the Life of the Mother? (click here).
- The Poison of Hypocrisy (click here).
- NECAC Debate: Three Strikes at Brown University (click here).
- NECAC Forum: Fuller School, Gloucester, MA, April 25, 1986: “Pro-Choice” Activist Said She Agreed with Me 90 Percent, But … (click here).
- NECAC Forum: A Woman at Dartmouth College – Waiting to be Heard (click here).
- NECAC Forum: Two Male Chauvinists Expose Themselves at the University of New Hampshire (click here).
- A Memorial to Zephyr, Song by Beverly Rush; (click here).
- NECAC Debate: Harvard Medical School – “Your Concern, Not Ours” (click here).
- The God, Life, Choice, Sex Paradigm Tested in Several Debates (click here).
- A Unitarian Minister, Abortion & Social Security (click here).
- The Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights: Persuading the American Baptist Church to Leave (click here).
- The 1987 Survey on the Biological Origins of Human Life (click here).
- The 1988 Massachusetts Ballot Question, Legal Brief and Strategy (click here).
- NECAC Debate: Question Averted by the Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Cornell University (click here).
- NECAC Debate: Demons Join the Debate at the University of New Hampshire (click here).
- Abortion Rights Advocates Who Silence Themselves (click here).
- The SAU Signs and Molly Yard of NOW (click here).
- You Were a Winner Before You Were Conceived (click here).
- Do We Honor the Deformed and Handicapped as Our Equals? (click here).
- “Sexual Politics” (click here).
- TEI Forum: The Gnashing of Teeth Among 1,000 High School Students (click here).
- Mars Hill Forum #11: The President of NOW at Smith College and the Question of Male Chauvinism (click here).
- Mars Hill Forum #14: Abortion, Blockade and Gunfire: Georgetown University w/Kate Michelman of NARAL (click here).
- NECAC Debate & Mars Hill Forum #41: Pro-Abortion Lawyers at Wellesley College and SUNY Buffalo Avoid Definitions of Law (click here).
- Questions That Could Have Been Posed in the Judge Sonia Sotomayor Confirmation Hearing (click here).
- A Question I Posed of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia; and Where Do Aborted Children Go? (click here).
- Is Planned Parenthood Chauvinistic and Anti-Choice? (click here).
- God → Life → Choice → Sex and the Male Chauvinism of Human Abortion (click here).
- Resolution #2: Human Abortion and a Process of Informed Choice (click here).
- Resolution #3: Human Abortion and Male Irresponsibility (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 1, No. 1, June, 1984: Abortion as the Ultimate Male Chauvinism (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 1, No. 2, September/October, 1984: Reversing the Reversal (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 1, No. 3, November/December, 1984: The Strategy of the Sabbath (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 1, No. 3, November/December, 1984: A Memorial to Zephyr (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 2, No. 1, January/February, 1985: Abortion and Redemption: A Statement (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 2, No. 1, January/February, 1985: Room 317 (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 2, No. 2, March/April, 1985: The Strength of Childlikeness (click here).
- Contrabortion: Vol. 2, No. 3, Fall, 1985: An Unimpeachable Thesis Opposing Abortion (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 3, No. 1, Summer, 1986: The Strategy and Mindset of “Pro-Choice” Leaders (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 3, No. 1, Summer, 1986: The Ethics of “Silencing the Foe and the Avenger” (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 3, No. 2, November, 1986: “Thank You for Fighting for What is Right” (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 3, No. 2, November, 1986: Debates with the Unitarian Universalists (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 3, No. 2, November, 1986: Neutralizing the Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 3. No. 2, November, 1986: Forum at Brown University (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 4, No. 1, January/February. 1987: A Public Policy Referendum (click here).
- 1986 Brochure for the New England Christian Action Council: The Gift of Life, the Gift of Choice (click here).
- Miscellaneous Stories 1983-1991 [1] A Woman Surprises the Police at an Abortion Center (click here).
- Miscellaneous Stories 1983-1991 [2]: Post-Abortion Pathos at the Pharmacy (click here).
- Miscellaneous Stories 1983-1991 [3]: Medical Option Given to “Dispose” of Fetus (click here).
- Miscellaneous Stories 1983-1991 [4]: State Care v. Christian Care (click here).
- NECAC First Debate: November, 1984: Gordon College with Rev. Spencer Parsons of the Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (click here).
- NECAC Second Debate: March 6, 1985: North Adams State College with Bill Baird, the “father of the abortion rights movement” (click here).
- NECAC Forum: Bill Baird Backs Out of a Dialogue with Me and a “Pro-choice” Clergy Audience (click here).
- NECAC Debate: Bill Baird and a Pro-Abortion Guest Host on Christian Radio WEZE (click here).
- Bill Baird: The Lonely Pro-Abortion Warrior (click here).
- NECAC Debate: Bill Baird, WEEI News Radio, and His Celebration of Sexual Promiscuity (click here).
- NECAC Debate, Panel of Six, University of Rhode Island, April 16, 1985 (click here).
- NECAC Forum, Dartmouth College, January 22, 1986: “Silent Scream” and Planned Parenthood (click here).
- NECAC: An Unimpeachable Thesis Opposing Abortion (1985) [click here].
- NECAC Debate: Harvard Medical School: “Abortion: What is the Physician’s Responsibility? February 13, 1986 (click here).
- NECAC Debate, Temple University, February 18, 1987: Scouting It Out Ahead of Time (click here).
- NECAC Debate, Brockton High School, October, 1988: Definitions, Statements and Questions (click here).
- NECAC Debate, Brown University, April 25, 1989: “A Question of Choice”: Mary Ann Sorrentino, Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, Rape & Incest (click here).
- NECAC Debate/Forum Outline, Fall 1989 (click here).
- NECAC Forum: Dartmouth College, January 21, 1987: The Gift of Life, The Gift of Choice (click here)
- NECAC Debate: Harvard Medical School: February 20, 1986 Thank You Letter (click here).
- NECAC Forum: Brattleboro, VT, High School, April 18, 1986: “Silent Scream” and Planned Parenthood (click here).
- Gordon-Conwell Trib article, February 9, 1984: “Rankin Named Executive Director of Mass Bay Christian Action Council” (click here).
- First Pro-Life Sermon: at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Chapel Service, January 4, 1984: Leviticus 20:1-5: Molech and Abortion (click here).
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (1), February 9, 1984 (click here): Pro Choice: Doublespeak?
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (2), November 14, 1985 (click here): Our Greatest Problem.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (3), November 25, 1985 (click here): Once Again, the Times Is Wrong.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (4), November (20), 1985 (click here): Pro-Life Group Strolls for Cause.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (5), November 18, 1985 (click here): Clarifying A Wrong Impression.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (6), December 3, 1985 (click here): Abortion Must Be Legal Alternative.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (7), December 9, 1985 (click here): They Are Unable to Grasp the Issue.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (8), December 10, 1985 (click here): Accusatory Preachment Won’t Help.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (9), December 11, 1985 (click here): We Disagree, but Graciously.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (10), December 17, 1985 (click here): Other Aspects of the Abortion Issue.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (11), December 18, 1985 (click here): A Liberal Arts Approach.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (12), December 19, 1985 (click here): Abortion Means Killing a Person.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (13), December 19, 1985 (click here): Time Will Show They are Mistaken.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (14), December 19, 1985 (click here): My Response to the Abortion Issue.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (15), December 20, 1985 (click here): Fetus, Freedom Are Real Issues.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (16), December 24, 1985 (click here): Compassion Extends to the Unborn.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (17), December 24, 1985 (click here): Many Attempts at Male Domination.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (18), December 26, 1985 (click here): A Man Hears What He Wants to Hear.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (19), December 27, 1985 (click here): Free Choice Is an Important Right.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (20), January 2, 1986 (click here): It Still Means Killing of the Unborn.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (21), January 3, 1986 (click here): Name Calling Can Be Totally Absurd.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (22), January 3, 1986 (click here): Decisions Were Right and Necessary.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (23), January 6, 1986 (click here): Sanctity of Life — Greatest Issue.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (24), January 7, 1986 (click here): Mr. Rankin Is Very Far from Liberal.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (25), January 10, 1986 (click here): We Must Protect Lives of the Unborn.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (26), January 10, 1986 (click here): Not the Time Nor the Place for It.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (27), January 16, 1986 (click here): It Fades into Shades of Gray.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (28), January 17, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to January 16 Column.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (29), January 21, 1986 (click here): The Choice is not for Them to Make.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (30), January 23, 1986 (click here): Abortion: A Religious Issue.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (31), January 30, 1986 (click here): Quoting a Psalm from the Bible.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (32), February 4, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to January 21 Letter to the Editor.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (33), February 5, 1986 (click here): Griffith Totally Missed the Point.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (34), February 6, 1986 (click here): There was More than One Tragedy.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (35), February 7, 1986 (click here): Answering My Critics.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (36), February 19, 1986 (click here): We Must Each Reach Our Own Conclusions.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (37), February 20, 1986 (click here): No Question, Abortion is Plain Wrong.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (38). February 25, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to February 19 Letter to the Editor.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (39), February 28, 1986 (click here): I Offer an Invitation to Cape Ann.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (40), March 18, 1986 (click here): We Should Ask, “Where’s the Baby?”
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (41), March 19, 1986 (click here): Tolerating Freedom of Expression.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (42), March 24, 1986 (click here): “Where’s the Baby” is Not Cute.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (43). March 26, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to March 24 Letter to the Editor.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (44), April 4, 1986 (click here): Abortion as Male Chauvinism.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (45), April 9, 1986 (click here): Questions of Freedom and Coercion.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (46), April 11, 1986 (click here): Please Send This Letter to Buell.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (47), April 11, 1986 (click here): Confessions of a Sex Educator.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (48), April 14, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to April 11 Letter to the Editor.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (49), April 16, 1986 (click here): Let’s Look as a Few of the Facts.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (50). April 17, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to January 16 Letter to the Editor.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (51), April 21, 1986 (click here): Let’s Discuss It Openly.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (52), May 9, 1986 (click here): April 25 Forum at Fuller Demonstrates Grass-Roots Strength of Pro-Life.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (53), September 18, 1986 (click here): On Preachers and Politics.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (54), October 7, 1986 (click here): Protect Our Right to Privacy.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (55), October [15], 1986 (click here): Restore the Proper Balance [Question No. 1].
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (56), October 19, 1986 (click here): Our Tax Dollars Finance Murderers.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (57), October 20, 1986 (click here): In Pursuit of Honest Dialogue.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (58), October 23, 1986 (click here): Abortion is Not a Two-Way Street.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (59), October 23, 1986 (click here): A “No” Vote Gives You a Choice.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (60), October 27, 1986 (click here): Rankin’s Attack was Appalling.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (61), October 27, 1986 (click here): Preserve Individual Choice.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (62), October 28, 1986 (click here): Those Ballot Questions.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (63), October [29], 1986 (click here): “Yes” Keeps Babies’ Rights Alive.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (64), October 30, 1986 (click here): Affirming Women and the Unborn.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (65), October 30, 1986 (click here): Seek Truth Between the Lines.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (66), October 31, 1986 (click here): Taxes Shouldn’t Buy Abortions.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (67), October 31, 1986 (click here): “Yes” on No. 1.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (68), November 1, 1986 (click here): Woman’s Body, Woman’s Choice.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (69), November 1, 1986 (click here): Don’t Trump the Unborn.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (70), November 1, 1986 (click here): “No” Will Prevent Child Abuse.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (71), November 4, 1986 (click here): Yes Means Hope.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (72), November 4, 1986 (click here): Scrutiny Given and Received.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (73), November 10, 1986 (click here): Embracing Hope, Not death.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (74), November 10, 1986 (click here): Choice Remains the Big Issue.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (75), November 11, 1986 (click here): Take Opportunity to Affirm Life.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (76), November 12, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to November 10, 1986 Letter to the Editor.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (77), November 13, 1986 (click here): Enough!
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (78), November 20, 1986 (click here): “The Only Text and Abortion.”
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (79), November 24, 1986 (click here): Forgiveness is Always Available.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (80), December 2, 1986 (click here): Let’s Make Abortion Less Necessary.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (81), December 3, 1986 (click here): In Season or Out, I’ll not be Silent.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (82), December 9, 1986 (click here): God is the Author of Choice.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (83), January 20, 1988 (click here): Life and Death Decisions.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (84), January 28, 1988 (click here): Abortion Oppresses Women.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (85), April 1, 1988 (click here): Political Choice a Minister’s Right.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (86), January 23, 1989 (click here): The Attorney General Fears Multiple-Choice
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (87), February 10, 1989 (click here): Media Bias on Abortion Exposed.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (88), February 13, 1989 (click here): We Must Reconcile Choice with Life.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (89), February 17, 1989 (click here): Campaigning for Groups of Cells.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (90), February 21, 1989 (click here): Personal Letter in Response to Prior Letter to the Editor.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (91), April 28, 1989 (click here): All Choices Have Boundaries.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (92), July 26, 1989 (click here): If You Oppose Abortion …
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (93), August 18, 1989 (click here): Don’t Force an Alien Philosophy on Us.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (94), August 30, 1989 (click here): Let Them Know We Care About Women.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (95), September 1, 1989 (click here): Yenawine Didn’t Force Anything.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (96), September 7, 1989 (click here): No Longer Can You Stand and Watch.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (97), September 19, 1989 (click here): War Against Unborn, Not Women.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (98), October 4, 1989 (click here): Smith’s Response Ignores Reality.
- NECAC Third Debate, the University of Rhode Island, April 16, 1985 (click here).
- Definitions of the Abortion Controversy 1989 Outline (click here).
- NECAC Street Level Forum on Abortion, UMass, Amherst, September 19, 1985 (click here).
- NECAC Forums with “Abortion for Survival” Video (click here).
- Planned Parenthood and the Metaethics of Language (click here).
- Boston Globe Article, June 4, 1989 (click here).
- Letter to the Boston Globe, June 8, 1898 (click here).
- Beverly Times Article, July 5, 1989 (click here).
- Manchester Cricket: On Limiting Women’s Rights, July 14, 1989 (click here).
- Manchester Cricket: Response, July 21, 1989 (click here).
- Boston Herald: The Cardinal and the NECAC Juxtaposed, August 20, 1989 (click here).
- Sanctity of Human Life Weekend at Grace Chapel: Is Abortion a Christian Issue? January 22-24, 1986 (click here).
- NECAC and Abortion Advocate Bill Baird, June 26, 1985 (click here).
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (99), January, 1984 (click here): Abortion Debate Escalates: Some Say “Yes.”
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (100), February, 1984 (click here): We Should All a Chance.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (101), June 28, 1984 (click here): Pro-Life Residents Respond: An Act of Violence Which Kills.
- Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (102), June, 1986 (click here): Amendment Won’t Stop All Abortions.
- Governor Dummer Academy: Student & Faculty Reaction, January 1985 (click here).
- Molech and Abortion, June 1984 (click here).
- The Fear of Planned Parenthood to Engage in Dialogue, November, 1985 (click here).
- Contrabortion, Vol. 6, No. 2, September, 1989: Preterm Now Closes Two Hours Early Each Week (click here).
- Presentation to Board of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, January 15, 1988 (click here).
- Zechariah 12:10 Project (1985) [click here].
- NECAC Brochure: Molech v. Childlikeness (1985) [click here].
- The People v. the Attorney General, January 12, 1989 (click here).
- A Track Record for NECAC Ministry (1983-1988) (click here).
- Two Multiple-Choice Questions for Any and All Legislators (click here).
- Should Roe v. Wade Be Overturned? (click here).
- TEI Pro-Life Coalition (click here).
- TEI National Pro-Life Colloquy (click here).
- Teams of Seven.org (The Sacred Assemblies for the Unborn) [click here].