Women and Their Unborn


  1. Women and Their Unborn: Two Overwhelming Realities (click here).
  2. Ellie, Sweet Ellie (click here).
  3. informedchoice.us (click here).
  4. The Sacred Assemblies for the Unborn [SAU] (click here).
  5. The Jeremiah 19 Liturgy (click here).
  6. SAU Schedule (click here).
  7. God, Life, Choice, Sex (click here).
  8. “Respectable” Prophets in the Public Square: The Naked Isaiah and the Yoked Jeremiah (click here).
  9. Two Important Biblical Texts on Human Abortion (click here).
  10. What About Rape and Incest? Four Stories (click here).
  11. Biblical Thinking About the Evil of Rape and Incest (click here).
  12. TEI Forum: The “Woman-Rights” Spokesperson Did Not Dispute the Issue of Rape and Incest (click here).
  13. The Original Sacred Assemblies for the Unborn (SAU), 1989-1991 (click here).
  14. Other Stories from the Original Sacred Assemblies for the Unborn (SAU), 1989-1991 (click here).
  15. The Metaethics of Language: “You Have the Power to Choose Life” (click here).
  16. The Media’s Fear of Pro-Life: The Boston Globe and WGBH Public Television (click here).
  17. Theological Critique of Human Abortion (click here).
  18. Reformation of Abortion Law and the Nature of Roe v. Wade (click here).
  19. The Pretension of Ignorance is the Basis for Pro-Abortion Politics (click here).
  20. Legal Personhood and a Theological Critique of Roe v. Wade (click here).
  21. Operation Rescue, Civil Disobedience and Civil Obedience (click here).
  22. The Theology of Genesis 1-3 Addresses Human Abortion and All Issues (click here).
  23. The Witness of the Early Church (click here).
  24. Would Planned Parenthood Counsel Mary to Abort Jesus? (click here).
  25. College Baptism into the Abortion Debate (click here).
  26. NECAC First Debate: Gordon College: “Can You Imagine Jesus Performing an Abortion? And: What About the Life of the Mother? (click here).
  27. The Poison of Hypocrisy (click here).
  28. NECAC Debate: Three Strikes at Brown University (click here).
  29. NECAC Forum: Fuller School, Gloucester, MA, April 25, 1986: “Pro-Choice” Activist Said She Agreed with Me 90 Percent, But … (click here).
  30. NECAC Forum: A Woman at Dartmouth College Waiting to be Heard (click here).
  31. NECAC Forum: Two Male Chauvinists Expose Themselves at the University of New Hampshire (click here).
  32. A Memorial to Zephyr, Song by Beverly Rush; (click here).
  33. NECAC Debate: Harvard Medical School “Your Concern, Not Ours” (click here).
  34. The God, Life, Choice, Sex Paradigm Tested in Several Debates (click here).
  35. A Unitarian Minister, Abortion & Social Security (click here).
  36. The Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights: Persuading the American Baptist Church to Leave (click here).
  37. The 1987 Survey on the Biological Origins of Human Life (click here).
  38. The 1988 Massachusetts Ballot Question, Legal Brief and Strategy (click here).
  39. NECAC Debate: Question Averted by the Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Cornell University (click here).
  40. NECAC Debate: Demons Join the Debate at the University of New Hampshire (click here).
  41. Abortion Rights Advocates Who Silence Themselves (click here).
  42. The SAU Signs and Molly Yard of NOW (click here).
  43. You Were a Winner Before You Were Conceived (click here).
  44. Do We Honor the Deformed and Handicapped as Our Equals? (click here).
  45. “Sexual Politics” (click here).
  46. TEI Forum: The Gnashing of Teeth Among 1,000 High School Students (click here).
  47. Mars Hill Forum #11: The President of NOW at Smith College and the Question of Male Chauvinism (click here).
  48. Mars Hill Forum #14: Abortion, Blockade and Gunfire: Georgetown University w/Kate Michelman of NARAL (click here).
  49. NECAC Debate & Mars Hill Forum #41: Pro-Abortion Lawyers at Wellesley College and SUNY Buffalo Avoid Definitions of Law (click here).
  50. Questions That Could Have Been Posed in the Judge Sonia Sotomayor Confirmation Hearing (click here).
  51. A Question I Posed of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia; and Where Do Aborted Children Go? (click here).
  52. Is Planned Parenthood Chauvinistic and Anti-Choice? (click here).
  53. God → Life → Choice → Sex and the Male Chauvinism of Human Abortion (click here).
  54. Resolution #2: Human Abortion and a Process of Informed Choice (click here).
  55. Resolution #3: Human Abortion and Male Irresponsibility (click here).
  56. Contrabortion, Vol. 1, No. 1, June, 1984: Abortion as the Ultimate Male Chauvinism (click here).
  57. Contrabortion, Vol. 1, No. 2, September/October, 1984: Reversing the Reversal (click here).
  58. Contrabortion, Vol. 1, No. 3, November/December, 1984: The Strategy of the Sabbath (click here).
  59. Contrabortion, Vol. 1, No. 3, November/December, 1984: A Memorial to Zephyr (click here).
  60. Contrabortion, Vol. 2, No. 1, January/February, 1985: Abortion and Redemption: A Statement (click here).
  61. Contrabortion, Vol. 2, No. 1, January/February, 1985: Room 317 (click here).
  62. Contrabortion, Vol. 2, No. 2, March/April, 1985: The Strength of Childlikeness (click here).
  63. Contrabortion: Vol. 2, No. 3, Fall, 1985: An Unimpeachable Thesis Opposing Abortion (click here).
  64. Contrabortion, Vol. 3, No. 1, Summer, 1986: The Strategy and Mindset of “Pro-Choice” Leaders (click here).
  65. Contrabortion, Vol. 3, No. 1, Summer, 1986: The Ethics of “Silencing the Foe and the Avenger” (click here).
  66. Contrabortion, Vol. 3, No. 2, November, 1986: “Thank You for Fighting for What is Right” (click here).
  67. Contrabortion, Vol. 3, No. 2, November, 1986: Debates with the Unitarian Universalists (click here).
  68. Contrabortion, Vol. 3, No. 2, November, 1986: Neutralizing the Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (click here).
  69. Contrabortion, Vol. 3. No. 2, November, 1986: Forum at Brown University (click here).
  70. Contrabortion, Vol. 4, No. 1, January/February. 1987: A Public Policy Referendum (click here).
  71. 1986 Brochure for the New England Christian Action Council: The Gift of Life, the Gift of Choice (click here).
  72. Miscellaneous Stories 1983-1991 [1]  A Woman Surprises the Police at an Abortion Center (click here).
  73. Miscellaneous Stories 1983-1991 [2]: Post-Abortion Pathos at the Pharmacy (click here).
  74. Miscellaneous Stories 1983-1991 [3]: Medical Option Given to “Dispose” of Fetus (click here).
  75. Miscellaneous Stories 1983-1991 [4]: State Care v. Christian Care (click here).
  76. NECAC First Debate: November, 1984: Gordon College with Rev. Spencer Parsons of the Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (click here).
  77. NECAC Second Debate: March 6, 1985: North Adams State College with Bill Baird, the “father of the abortion rights movement” (click here).
  78. NECAC Forum: Bill Baird Backs Out of a Dialogue with Me and a “Pro-choice” Clergy Audience (click here).
  79. NECAC Debate: Bill Baird and a Pro-Abortion Guest Host on Christian Radio WEZE (click here).
  80. Bill Baird: The Lonely Pro-Abortion Warrior (click here).
  81. NECAC Debate: Bill Baird, WEEI News Radio, and His Celebration of Sexual Promiscuity (click here).
  82. NECAC Debate, Panel of Six, University of Rhode Island, April 16, 1985 (click here).
  83. NECAC Forum, Dartmouth College, January 22, 1986: “Silent Scream” and Planned Parenthood (click here).
  84. NECAC: An Unimpeachable Thesis Opposing Abortion (1985) [click here].
  85. NECAC Debate: Harvard Medical School: “Abortion: What is the Physician’s Responsibility? February 13, 1986 (click here).
  86. NECAC Debate, Temple University, February 18, 1987: Scouting It Out Ahead of Time (click here).
  87. NECAC Debate, Brockton High School, October, 1988: Definitions, Statements and Questions (click here).
  88. NECAC Debate, Brown University, April 25, 1989: “A Question of Choice”: Mary Ann Sorrentino, Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, Rape & Incest (click here).
  89. NECAC Debate/Forum Outline, Fall 1989 (click here).
  90. NECAC Forum: Dartmouth College, January 21, 1987: The Gift of Life, The Gift of Choice  (click here)
  91. NECAC Debate: Harvard Medical School: February 20, 1986 Thank You Letter (click here).
  92. NECAC Forum: Brattleboro, VT, High School, April 18, 1986: “Silent Scream” and Planned Parenthood (click here).
  93. Gordon-Conwell Trib article, February 9, 1984: “Rankin Named Executive Director of Mass Bay Christian Action Council” (click here).
  94. First Pro-Life Sermon: at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Chapel Service, January 4, 1984: Leviticus 20:1-5: Molech and Abortion (click here).
  95. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (1), February 9, 1984 (click here): Pro Choice: Doublespeak?
  96. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (2), November 14, 1985 (click here): Our Greatest Problem.
  97. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (3), November 25, 1985 (click here): Once Again, the Times Is Wrong.
  98. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (4), November (20), 1985 (click here): Pro-Life Group Strolls for Cause.
  99. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (5), November 18, 1985 (click here): Clarifying A Wrong Impression.
  100. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (6), December 3, 1985 (click here): Abortion Must Be Legal Alternative.
  101. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (7), December 9, 1985 (click here): They Are Unable to Grasp the Issue.
  102. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (8), December 10, 1985 (click here): Accusatory Preachment Won’t Help.
  103. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (9), December 11, 1985 (click here): We Disagree, but Graciously.
  104. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (10), December 17, 1985 (click here): Other Aspects of the Abortion Issue.
  105. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (11), December 18, 1985 (click here): A Liberal Arts Approach.
  106. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (12), December 19, 1985 (click here): Abortion Means Killing a Person.
  107. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (13), December 19, 1985 (click here): Time Will Show They are Mistaken.
  108. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (14), December 19, 1985 (click here): My Response to the Abortion Issue.
  109. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (15), December 20, 1985 (click here): Fetus, Freedom Are Real Issues.
  110. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (16), December 24, 1985 (click here): Compassion Extends to the Unborn.
  111. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (17), December 24, 1985 (click here): Many Attempts at Male Domination.
  112. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (18), December 26, 1985 (click here): A Man Hears What He Wants to Hear.
  113. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (19), December 27, 1985 (click here): Free Choice Is an Important Right.
  114. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (20), January 2, 1986 (click here): It Still Means Killing of the Unborn.
  115. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (21), January 3, 1986 (click here): Name Calling Can Be Totally Absurd.
  116. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (22), January 3, 1986 (click here): Decisions Were Right and Necessary.
  117. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (23), January 6, 1986 (click here): Sanctity of Life — Greatest Issue.
  118. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (24), January 7, 1986 (click here): Mr. Rankin Is Very Far from Liberal.
  119. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (25), January 10, 1986 (click here): We Must Protect Lives of the Unborn.
  120. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (26), January 10, 1986 (click here): Not the Time Nor the Place for It.
  121. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (27), January 16, 1986 (click here): It Fades into Shades of Gray.
  122. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (28), January 17, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to January 16 Column.
  123. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (29), January 21, 1986 (click here): The Choice is not for Them to Make.
  124. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (30), January 23, 1986 (click here): Abortion: A Religious Issue.
  125. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (31), January 30, 1986 (click here): Quoting a Psalm from the Bible.
  126. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (32), February 4, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to January 21 Letter to the Editor.
  127. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (33), February 5, 1986 (click here): Griffith Totally Missed the Point.
  128. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (34), February 6, 1986 (click here): There was More than One Tragedy.
  129. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (35), February 7, 1986 (click here): Answering My Critics.
  130. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (36), February 19, 1986 (click here): We Must Each Reach Our Own Conclusions.
  131. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (37), February 20, 1986 (click here): No Question, Abortion is Plain Wrong.
  132. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (38). February 25, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to February 19 Letter to the Editor.
  133. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (39), February 28, 1986 (click here): I Offer an Invitation to Cape Ann.
  134. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (40), March 18, 1986 (click here): We Should Ask, “Where’s the Baby?”
  135. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (41), March 19, 1986 (click here): Tolerating Freedom of Expression.
  136. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (42), March 24, 1986 (click here): “Where’s the Baby” is Not Cute.
  137. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (43). March 26, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to March 24 Letter to the Editor.
  138. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (44), April 4, 1986 (click here): Abortion as Male Chauvinism.
  139. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (45), April 9, 1986 (click here): Questions of Freedom and Coercion.
  140. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (46), April 11, 1986 (click here): Please Send This Letter to Buell.
  141. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (47), April 11, 1986 (click here): Confessions of a Sex Educator.
  142. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (48), April 14, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to April 11 Letter to the Editor.
  143. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (49), April 16, 1986 (click here): Let’s Look as a Few of the Facts.
  144. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (50). April 17, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to January 16 Letter to the Editor.
  145. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (51), April 21, 1986 (click here): Let’s Discuss It Openly.
  146. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (52), May 9, 1986 (click here): April 25 Forum at Fuller Demonstrates Grass-Roots Strength of Pro-Life.
  147. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (53), September 18, 1986 (click here): On Preachers and Politics.
  148. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (54), October 7, 1986 (click here): Protect Our Right to Privacy.
  149. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (55), October [15], 1986 (click here): Restore the Proper Balance [Question No. 1].
  150. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (56), October 19, 1986 (click here): Our Tax Dollars Finance Murderers.
  151. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (57), October 20, 1986 (click here): In Pursuit of Honest Dialogue.
  152. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (58), October 23, 1986 (click here): Abortion is Not a Two-Way Street.
  153. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (59), October 23, 1986 (click here): A “No” Vote Gives You a Choice.
  154. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (60), October 27, 1986 (click here): Rankin’s Attack was Appalling.
  155. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (61), October 27, 1986 (click here): Preserve Individual Choice.
  156. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (62), October 28, 1986 (click here): Those Ballot Questions.
  157. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (63), October [29], 1986 (click here): “Yes” Keeps Babies’ Rights Alive.
  158. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (64), October 30, 1986 (click here): Affirming Women and the Unborn.
  159. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (65), October 30, 1986 (click here): Seek Truth Between the Lines.
  160. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (66), October 31, 1986 (click here): Taxes Shouldn’t Buy Abortions.
  161. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (67), October 31, 1986 (click here): “Yes” on No. 1.
  162. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (68), November 1, 1986 (click here): Woman’s Body, Woman’s Choice.
  163. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (69), November 1, 1986 (click here): Don’t Trump the Unborn.
  164. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (70), November 1, 1986 (click here): “No” Will Prevent Child Abuse.
  165. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (71), November 4, 1986 (click here): Yes Means Hope.
  166. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (72), November 4, 1986 (click here): Scrutiny Given and Received.
  167. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (73), November 10, 1986 (click here): Embracing Hope, Not death.
  168. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (74), November 10, 1986 (click here): Choice Remains the Big Issue.
  169. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (75), November 11, 1986 (click here): Take Opportunity to Affirm Life.
  170. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (76), November 12, 1986 (click here): Personal Response to November 10, 1986 Letter to the Editor.
  171. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (77), November 13, 1986 (click here): Enough!
  172. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (78), November 20, 1986 (click here): “The Only Text and Abortion.”
  173. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (79), November 24, 1986 (click here): Forgiveness is Always Available.
  174. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (80), December 2, 1986 (click here): Let’s Make Abortion Less Necessary.
  175. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (81), December 3, 1986 (click here): In Season or Out, I’ll not be Silent.
  176. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (82), December 9, 1986 (click here): God is the Author of Choice.
  177. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (83), January 20, 1988 (click here): Life and Death Decisions.
  178. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (84), January 28, 1988 (click here): Abortion Oppresses Women.
  179. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (85), April 1, 1988 (click here): Political Choice a Minister’s Right.
  180. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (86), January 23, 1989 (click here): The Attorney General Fears Multiple-Choice
  181. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (87), February 10, 1989 (click here): Media Bias on Abortion Exposed.
  182. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (88), February 13, 1989 (click here): We Must Reconcile Choice with Life.
  183. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (89), February 17, 1989 (click here): Campaigning for Groups of Cells.
  184. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (90), February 21, 1989 (click here): Personal Letter in Response to Prior Letter to the Editor.
  185. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (91), April 28, 1989 (click here): All Choices Have Boundaries.
  186. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (92), July 26, 1989 (click here): If You Oppose Abortion …
  187. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (93), August 18, 1989 (click here): Don’t Force an Alien Philosophy on Us.
  188. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (94), August 30, 1989 (click here): Let Them Know We Care About Women.
  189. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (95), September 1, 1989 (click here): Yenawine Didn’t Force Anything.
  190. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (96), September 7, 1989 (click here): No Longer Can You Stand and Watch.
  191. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (97), September 19, 1989 (click here): War Against Unborn, Not Women.
  192. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (98), October 4, 1989 (click here): Smith’s Response Ignores Reality.
  193. NECAC Third Debate, the University of Rhode Island, April 16, 1985 (click here).
  194. Definitions of the Abortion Controversy 1989 Outline (click here).
  195. NECAC Street Level Forum on Abortion, UMass, Amherst, September 19, 1985 (click here).
  196. NECAC Forums with “Abortion for Survival” Video (click here).
  197. Planned Parenthood and the Metaethics of Language (click here).
  198. Boston Globe Article, June 4, 1989 (click here).
  199. Letter to the Boston Globe, June 8, 1898 (click here).
  200. Beverly Times Article, July 5, 1989 (click here).
  201. Manchester Cricket: On Limiting Women’s Rights, July 14, 1989 (click here).
  202. Manchester Cricket: Response, July 21, 1989 (click here).
  203. Boston Herald: The Cardinal and the NECAC Juxtaposed, August 20, 1989 (click here).
  204. Sanctity of Human Life Weekend at Grace Chapel: Is Abortion a Christian Issue? January 22-24, 1986 (click here).
  205. NECAC and Abortion Advocate Bill Baird, June 26, 1985 (click here).
  206. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (99), January, 1984  (click here): Abortion Debate Escalates: Some Say “Yes.”
  207. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (100), February, 1984 (click here): We Should All a Chance.
  208. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (101), June 28, 1984 (click here): Pro-Life Residents Respond: An Act of Violence Which Kills.
  209. Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (102), June, 1986 (click here): Amendment Won’t Stop All Abortions.
  210. Governor Dummer Academy: Student & Faculty Reaction, January 1985 (click here).
  211. Molech and Abortion, June 1984 (click here).
  212. The Fear of Planned Parenthood to Engage in Dialogue, November, 1985 (click here).
  213. Contrabortion, Vol. 6, No. 2, September, 1989: Preterm Now Closes Two Hours Early Each Week (click here).
  214. Presentation to Board of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, January 15, 1988 (click here).
  215. Zechariah 12:10 Project (1985) [click here].
  216. NECAC Brochure: Molech v. Childlikeness (1985) [click here].
  217. The People v. the Attorney General, January 12, 1989 (click here).
  218. A Track Record for NECAC Ministry (1983-1988) (click here).
  219. Two Multiple-Choice Questions for Any and All Legislators (click here).
  220. Should Roe v. Wade Be Overturned? (click here).
  221. TEI Pro-Life Coalition (click here).
  222. TEI National Pro-Life Colloquy (click here).
  223. Teams of Seven.org (The Sacred Assemblies for the Unborn) [click here].